
16 apr 2021


Cosmic Antinuclei

Virtual seminar Zoom

Aperitivi scientifici. CosmicAntiNuclei is a new ERC-funded project that aims at shedding light on the production mechanisms of light nuclei and anti-nuclei in high-energy interactions

6 mar 2021 10 apr 2021

Laboratori e visite guidate

Oh cielo! Che storie


1 apr 2021


Il calcolo dell'Esperimento CMS oggi e nei futuri Run di LHC

MS Teams

Riassunto delle direzioni di R&D nel calcolo di CMS, evidenziando idee nuove e consolidate sia nel sistema di calcolo distribuito, sia nel software che permetterà di analizzare gli eventi raccolti

19 mar 2021


What is matter according to particle physics and why try to observe its creation in lab

Virtual seminar Zoom

Aperitivi scientifici: the approach of the discussion is mainly historical and its character is introductory.

16 mar 2021


The ALICE O² computing model for Run 3 and 4

online su MS Teams https://l.infn.it/b0

The main points of the ALICE upgrade will be summarized together with the most relevant aspects of the SW and computing. The architecture and SW optimization studies on CPU and GPU will be presented.

12 mar 2021


The MUonE project

Virtual Seminar Zoom

The MUonE experiment aims at an independent and very precise determination of the leading hadronic contribution to the muon magnetic moment, based on an alternative method

25 feb 2021

Spettacoli e festival

Coimbra Group 3-Minute-Thesis Competition


The 3MT is an academic competition that challenges PhD students to describe their research to a general audience in English in less than three minutes.

23 feb 2021


Software e computing in LHCb: la sfida di Run3 (e oltre)

Virtual seminar Zoom

L'esperimento LHCb sta completando un importante aggiornamento in vista della presa dati per il Run3 di LHC e oltre.

19 feb 2021


AMBER: a new QCD facility a the CERN SPS M2 beam line

Virtual seminar Zoom

AMBER is a newly proposed fixed-target experiment at the M2 beam line of the SPS, devoted to various fundamental QCD measurements

26 gen 2021


The LUXE Experiment

Virtual Seminar (Zoom)

This talk describes LUXE (Laser Und XFEL Experiment), an experiment that aims to use the high-quality and high-energy electron beam of the European XFEL and a powerful laser.

19 gen 2021


Extreme events: how to describe and predict them using mathematical theories

Online su Teams (il link nella descrizione)

16 dic 2020


Gaia: Early Data Release3, mission status, and science highlights from the second data release

Remote Colloquium, via Zoom at https://inaf-it.zoom.us/j/81595346206?pwd=cW5SMTN1ajBnUTJSZUU4dnBQVTJWUT09

Bologna Astrophysics Campus 2020 "Christmas Lecture". Speaker: Anthony Brown (Leiden Observatory professor and Chair of the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium)