The International Master of Advanced Methods in Particle Physics (IMAPP) is a joint degree program offered by the three universities and supported by internationally renowned partner institutions including CERN, DESY, KEK, MIT and NIKHEF. The main focus of the program is on experimental and theoretical particle physics and in teaching scientific methods. The program is based on three pillars, each of which is associated with one of the three universities.
These are machine learning and statistical data analysis, instrumentation and detector physics as well as large-scale scientific computing and programming. The language of the courses is English. The students of one year study as a cohort, who attend courses together at the University of Clermont Auvergne (1st semester), TU Dortmund University (2nd semester) and the University of Bologna (3rd semester) during the first three semesters. In the fourth semester, the students will conduct research and write a Master thesis, which can be carried out at one of the three universities or at one of the associated partner institutions. The enrollment for this Master degree program is now open.
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