Laboratori e visite guidate
Guarda, scopri, vivi la scienza...da 3 a 99 anni!
Spettacoli e festival
Eppur si muove!
Circolo Il Casalone, via San Donato 149, Bologna
Laboratori e visite guidate
Laser tra le stelle
Campo sportivo di Loiano, via Santa Margherita, 40050, Loiano
Serata di osservazione astronomica con un occhio particolare ai giganti del Sistema Solare
Iniziative di formazione
Summer School "Physical Sensing and Processing" 2nd Edition
The school will be held from July 20th to July 24th. Due to the COVID health emergency, the school will be 100% online and open to everyone
In Physics the study of physical phenomena requires the detection and the processing of a physical signal. The School aims at discussing this pipeline across various Physics subdomains.
Light flavour production in pp and heavy ion collisions at the LHC
Zoom Virtual seminar
High energy heavy-ion collisions are used to create in the laboratory a hot and dense deconfined medium with elementary QCD degrees of freedom: the Quark Gluon Plasma.
Observation of Excess Electronic-Recoil Events in XENON1T
Zoom Virtual seminar
Results from searches for new physics with low-energy electronic recoil data recorded with the XENON1T detector
The Silicon Vertex Detector of the Belle II Experiment
Virtual seminar ZOOM: https://agenda.infn.it/event/23190/
Due to the overlap with the CERN Open Council meeting, the seminar scheduled for 19th June (first postponed to 26th) is now posponed to 23th June 2020.
Presentazioni e incontri
RIMANDATO: Gabinetti Spaziali
Aula Magna, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia-UniBo, via Irnerio 46, Bologna
L'evento è rimandato (a data da definirsi) in seguito alle disposizioni per il contenimento e gestione emergenza COVID-19
Low Energy Cosmic Rays
Sala Seminari 4 piano INAF-IRA, CNR area, via Gobetti 101
Bologna Joint Astrophysical Colloquium. Speaker: Stefano Gabici (Universite' Paris Diderot)
Free field realization from the Higgs branch
Aula Teorici, piano 2, via Irnerio 46, Bologna
Neutrinos from a blazar jet and the birth of non-stellar neutrino astronomy
Sala Seminari 4 piano Battiferro, via Gobetti 93/3, Bologna
Bologna Joint Astrophysical Colloquium. Speaker: Paolo Padovani (European Southern Observatory, INAF-OAS Visitor program)
Measuring lensing ratios with upcoming and future cosmological surveys
Sala Seminari 4 piano Battiferro, via Gobetti 93/3, Bologna
Astrophysics Talk. Speaker: José Ramón Bermejo-Climent (INAF OAS)