Pubblicazioni scientifiche
Aamodt K.; Abel N.; Abeysekara U.; Abrahantes Quintana A.; Abramyan A.; Adamova D.; Aggarwal M.M.; Aglieri Rinella G.; Agocs A.G.; Aguilar Salazar S.; Ahammed Z.; Ahmad A.; Ahmad N.; Ahn S.U.; Akimoto R.; Akindinov A.; Aleksandrov D.; Alessandro B.; Alfaro Molina R.; Alici A.; Almaraz Avina E.; Alme J.; Alt T.; Altini V.; Altinpinar S.; Andrei C.; Andronic A.; Anelli G.; Angelov V.; Anson C.; Anticic T.; Antinori F.; Antinori S.; Antipin K.; Antonczyk D.; Antonioli P.; Anzo A.; Aphecetche L.; Appelshauser H.; Arcelli S.; Arceo R.; Arend A.; Armesto N.; Arnaldi R.; Aronsson T.; Arsene I.C.; Asryan A.; Augustinus A.; Averbeck R.; Awes T.C.; Aysto J.; Azmi M.D.; Bablok S.; Bach M.; Badala A.; Baek Y.W.; Bagnasco S.; Bailhache R.; Bala R.; Baldisseri A.; Baldit A.; Ban J.; Barbera R.; Barnafoldi G.G.; Barnby L.S.; Barret V.; Bartke J.; Barile F.; Basile M.; Basmanov V.; Bastid N.; Bathen B.; Batigne G.; Batyunya B.; Baumann C.; Bearden I.G.; Becker B.; Belikov I.; Bellwied R.; Belmont-Mor, Midrapidity antiproton-to-proton ratio in pp collisons at √s=0.9 and 7 TeV measured by the ALICE experiment, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 2010, 105, pp. 1 - 12 [Articolo in rivista]
B. Mosser; K. Belkacem; M. J. Goupil; A. Miglio; T. Morel; C. Barban; F. Baudin; S. Hekker; R. Samadi; J. De Ridder; W. Weiss; M. Auvergne; A. Baglin, Red-giant seismic properties analyzed with CoRoT, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2010, 517, pp. 1 - 15 [Articolo in rivista]
MARSILI M; PULCI O, The fascinating physics of carbon surfaces: first-principles study of hydrogen on C(001), C(111), and graphene, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. D, APPLIED PHYSICS», 2010, 43, pp. 374016 - 374028 [Articolo in rivista]
PULCI, OLIVIA; Degoli, E; Iori, F; MARSILI, MARGHERITA; PALUMMO, MAURIZIA; DEL SOLE, RODOLFO; Ossicini, S., Electronic and optical properties of Si and Ge nanocrystals: an ab-initio study, «SUPERLATTICES AND MICROSTRUCTURES», 2010, 47, pp. 178 - 181 [Articolo in rivista]
PULCI, OLIVIA; Gori, P; MARSILI, MARGHERITA; Garbuio, V; Seitsonen, A. P; Bechstedt, F; Cricenti, A; DEL SOLE, RODOLFO, Electronic and optical properties of group IV 2-dimensional materials, «PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI. A, APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE», 2010, 207, pp. 291 - 299 [Articolo in rivista]
R. GUERRA; E. DEGOLI; MARSILI M; O. PULCI AND S. OSSICINI, Local-fields and disorder effects in free-standing and embedded Si nanocrystallites, in: Phys. Status Solidi B, 2010, 247, pp. 2113 - 2117 (atti di: 8th International Conference on Optics of Surfaces and Interfaces, Ischia, 7–11 September 2009) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Marsili M; Pulci O; Del Sole R, Ab-initio study of ethylene on Si(001), in: EPIOPTICS-10Proceedings of the 40th Course of the International School of Solid State Physics, 2010, pp. 1 - 9 (atti di: 40th Course of the International School of Solid State Physics, Erice, Italy, 19 – 26 July 2008) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Bolzoni, Paolo; Maltoni, Fabio; Moch, Sven-Olaf; Zaro, Marco, Higgs boson production via vector-boson fusion at next-to-next-to-leading order in QCD, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 2010, 105, pp. 011801 - 011801 [Articolo in rivista]
T. Binoth; F. Boudjema; G. Dissertori; A. Lazopoulos; A. Denner; S. Dittmaier; R. Frederix; N. Greiner; S. H??che; W. Giele; P. Skands; J. Winter; T. Gleisberg; J. Archibald; G. Heinrich; F. Krauss; D. Ma??tre; M. Huber; J. Huston; N. Kauer; F. Maltoni; C. Oleari; G. Passarino; R. Pittau; S. Pozzorini; T. Reiter; S. Schumann; G. Zanderighi, A proposal for a standard interface between Monte Carlo tools and one-loop programs, «COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS», 2010, 181, pp. 1612 - 1622 [Articolo in rivista]
Ward-Thompson D; Kirk J; Andr#232; P; Saraceno P; Didelon P; Konyves V; Schneider N; Abergel A; Baluteau J; Bernard J; Bontemps S; Cambr#232; sy L; Cox P; di Francesco J; di Giorgio A; Griffin M; Hargrave P; Huang M; Li J; Martin P; Men' shchikov A; Minier V; Molinari S; Motte F; Olofsson G; Pezzuto S; Russeil D; Sauvage M; Sibthorpe B; Spinoglio L; Testi L; White G; Wilson C; Woodcraft A; Zavagno A, A Herschel study of the properties of starless cores in the Polaris Flare dark cloud region using PACS and SPIRE, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2010, 518, pp. 92 - 96 [Articolo in rivista]
Pillitteri I; Sciortino S; Flaccomio E; Stelzer B; Micela G; Damiani F; Testi L; Montmerle T; Grosso N; Favata F; Giardino G, Results from DROXO. III. Observation, source list, and X-ray properties of sources detected in the ``Deep Rho Ophiuchi XMM-Newton Observation'', «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2010, 519, pp. 34 - 60 [Articolo in rivista]
Men' shchikov A; Andr#232; P; Didelon P; Konyves V; Schneider N; Motte F; Bontemps S; Arzoumanian D; Attard M; Abergel A; Baluteau J; Bernard J; Cambr#232; sy L; Cox P; di Francesco J; di Giorgio A; Griffin M; Hargrave P; Huang M; Kirk J; Li J; Martin P; Minier V; Miville-Deschê nes M; Molinari S; Olofsson G; Pezzuto S; Roussel H; Russeil D; Saraceno P; Sauvage M; Sibthorpe B; Spinoglio L; Testi L; Ward-Thompson D; White G; Wilson C; Woodcraft A; Zavagno A, Filamentary structures and compact objects in the Aquila and Polaris clouds observed by Herschel, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2010, 518, pp. 103 - 109 [Articolo in rivista]
Deharveng L; Schuller F; Anderson L; Zavagno A; Wyrowski F; Menten K; Bronfman L; Testi L; Walmsley C; Wienen M, A gallery of bubbles. The nature of the bubbles observed by Spitzer and what ATLASGAL tells us about the surrounding neutral material, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2010, 523, pp. 1 - 35 [Articolo in rivista]
Comer#242; n F; Testi L; Natta A, Strong accretion on a deuterium-burning brown dwarf, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2010, 522, pp. 47 - 54 [Articolo in rivista]
Ricci L; Testi L; Natta A; Neri R; Cabrit S; Herczeg G, Dust properties of protoplanetary disks in the Taurus-Auriga star forming region from millimeter wavelengths, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2010, 512, pp. 1 - 15 [Articolo in rivista]
Bontemps S; Andr#233; P; Konyves V; Men' shchikov A; Schneider N; Maury A; Peretto N; Arzoumanian D; Attard M; Motte F; Minier V; Didelon P; Saraceno P; Abergel A; Baluteau J; Bernard J; Cambr#233; sy L; Cox P; di Francesco J; di Giorgo A; Griffin M; Hargrave P; Huang M; Kirk J; Li J; Martin P; Mer#237; n B; Molinari S; Olofsson G; Pezzuto S; Prusti T; Roussel H; Russeil D; Sauvage M; Sibthorpe B; Spinoglio L; Testi L; Vavrek R; Ward-Thompson D; White G; Wilson C; Woodcraft A; Zavagno A, The Herschel first look at protostars in the Aquila rift, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2010, 518, pp. 85 - 89 [Articolo in rivista]
Schuller F; Beuther H; Bontemps S; Bronfman L; Carlhoff P; Cesaroni R; Contreras Y; Csengari T; Deharveng L; Garay G; Henning T; Herpin F; Immer K; Lefloch B; Linz H; Mardones D; Menten K; Minier V; Molinari S; Motte F; Nguyen Luong Q; Nyman L-Å; Rathborne J; Reveret V; Risacher C; Russeil D; Schilke P; Schneider N; Tackenberg J; Testi L; Troost T; Vasyunina T; Walmsley M; Wienen M; Wyrowski F; Zavagno A, The APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy (ATLASGAL), «THE MESSENGER», 2010, 141, pp. 20 - 23 [Articolo in rivista]
di Francesco J; Sadavoy S; Motte F; Schneider N; Hennemann M; Csengeri T; Bontemps S; Balog Z; Zavagno A; Andr#232; P; Saraceno P; Griffin M; Men' shchikov A; Abergel A; Baluteau J; Bernard J; Cox P; Deharveng L; Didelon P; di Giorgio A; Hargrave P; Huang M; Kirk J; Leeks S; Li J; Marston A; Martin P; Minier V; Molinari S; Olofsson G; Persi P; Pezzuto S; Russeil D; Sauvage M; Sibthorpe B; Spinoglio L; Testi L; Teyssier D; Vavrek R; Ward-Thompson D; White G; Wilson C; Woodcraft A, Small-scale structure in the Rosette molecular cloud revealed by Herschel, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2010, 518, pp. 91 - 95 [Articolo in rivista]
Wittkowski M; Testi L, Report on the ESO Workshop The Origin and Fate of the Sun: Evolution of Solar-mass Stars Observed with High Angular Resolution, «THE MESSENGER», 2010, 140, pp. 53 - 56 [Articolo in rivista]
Kraus S; Hofmann K; Menten K; Schertl D; Weigelt G; Wyrowski F; Meilland A; Perraut K; Petrov R; Robbe-Dubois S; Schilke P; Testi L, A hot compact dust disk around a massive young stellar object, «NATURE», 2010, 466, pp. 339 - 342 [Articolo in rivista]