Progetti europei di istruzione e formazione

Progetti finanziati nell’ambito del Programma Erasmus+

IDENTITIES – Integrate Disciplines to Elaborate Novel Teaching approaches to Interdisciplinarity and Innovate preservice teachers Education for STEM challenges

Duration: 01/09/2019 – 31/08/2022

Total Eu Contribution: € 381.365,00

Unibo Budget: € 111.970,00

Coordinator: Department of Physics and Astronomy –Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna DIFA project responsible: Prof.ssa Olivia Levrini

ISEE – Inclusive STEM Education to Enhance the capacity to aspire and imagine future careers

Duration: 01/11/2016 – 30/08/2019

Total Eu Contribution: € 393.941

Unibo Budget: € 76.910

Coordinator: Department of Physics and Astronomy –Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna

DIFA project responsible: Prof.ssa Olivia Levrini


ITHEPHY - Innovative Team-teaching for Physics

Duration: 01/11/2017 - 30/04/2020

Total Eu Contribution:  € 368.990,00

Unibo Budget: € 82.900

Coordinator: Department of Physics and Astronomy –Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna

DIFA project responsible: Dott. Angelo Carbone
National projects
Progetti finanziati dal MIUR o da altri enti nazionali