Contatto di riferimento: Donatella Romano
Partecipanti: Ivan Minchev (AIP, Potsdam, DE)
The main goal of Galactic Archaeology is understanding the formation and evolution of the basic Milky Way components. This requires sophisticated modeling, where both dynamical and chemical evolution processes are taken into account self-consistently. In this context, I will discuss the formation of the Milky Way thick disk, the causes and effect of radial migration and the dynamical effect of the Galactic bar, spiral structure, and infalling satellites.
See you on Thursday in sala seminari, Via Ranzani 1, floor -1, on time at 14:00.
Next seminars:
* Thursday March 31st, at 14:00 TBD
* Thursday April 7th, at 14:00 Giuseppe Bono (Univ. Tor Vergata, Roma)
* Thursday April 14th, at 14:00 TBD
* Thursday April 21st, at 14:00 Alberto Sesana (Univ. of Birmingham)
* Thursday April 28th, at 14:00 Andrea Kunder (AIP, Potsdam, DE)
The complete list of seminars is available at:
The organizers of seminars: