Pubblicazioni scientifiche
Shifa T.A.; Yusupov K.; Solomon G.; Gradone A.; Mazzaro R.; Cattaruzza E.; Vomiero A., In Situ-Generated Oxide in Sn-Doped Nickel Phosphide Enables Ultrafast Oxygen Evolution, «ACS CATALYSIS», 2021, 11, pp. 4520 - 4529 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Gatti, T.; Lamberti, F.; Mazzaro, R.; Kriegel, I.; Schlettwein, D.; Enrichi, F.; Lago, N.; Di Maria, E.; Meneghesso, G.; Vomiero, A.; Gross, S., Opportunities from Doping of Non-Critical Metal Oxides in Last Generation Light-Conversion Devices, «ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS», 2021, 11, pp. 1 - 31 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Landstrom, A.; Gradone, A.; Mazzaro, R.; Morandi, V.; Concina, I., Reduced graphene oxide-ZnO hybrid composites as photocatalysts: The role of nature of the molecular target in catalytic performance, «CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL», 2021, 47, pp. 19346 - 19355 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Solomon, G.; Landstrom, A.; Mazzaro, R.; Jugovac, M.; Moras, P.; Cattaruzza, E.; Morandi, V.; Concina, I.; Vomiero, A., NiMoO4@Co3O4 Core–Shell Nanorods: In Situ Catalyst Reconstruction toward High Efficiency Oxygen Evolution Reaction, «ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS», 2021, 11, pp. 1 - 14 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Musumarra A.; Leone F.; Massimi C.; Pellegriti M.G.; Romano F.; Spighi R.; Villa M., RIPTIDE: A novel recoil-proton track imaging detector for fast neutrons, «JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION», 2021, 16, pp. 1 - 5 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Focardi, S.; Massa, I. G.; Uguzzoni, A.; Villa, M., Fisica Generale, Elettromagnetismo - Seconda edizione, Rozzano (MI), Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2021, pp. 336 . [Monografia/Trattato scientifico in forma di libro]
Bhatti A.L.; Tahira A.; Gradone A.; Mazzaro R.; Morandi V.; aftab U.; Abro M.I.; Nafady A.; Qi K.; Infantes-Molina A.; Vomiero A.; Ibupoto Z.H., Nanostructured Co3O4 electrocatalyst for OER: The role of organic polyelectrolytes as soft templates, «ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA», 2021, 398, pp. 1 - 11 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Tahira, A.; Mazzaro, R.; Rigoni, F.; Nafady, A.; Shaikh, S. F.; Alothman, A. A.; Alshgari, R. A.; Ibupoto, Z. H., A simple and efficient visible light photodetector based on Co3O4/ZnO composite, «OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS», 2021, 53, pp. 1 - 9 [Articolo in rivista]
Solomon G.; Kohan M.G.; Vagin M.; Rigoni F.; Mazzaro R.; Natile M.M.; You S.; Morandi V.; Concina I.; Vomiero A., Decorating vertically aligned MoS2 nanoflakes with silver nanoparticles for inducing a bifunctional electrocatalyst towards oxygen evolution and oxygen reduction reaction, «NANO ENERGY», 2021, 81, pp. 1 - 12 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Moreira, T.; Maria, F. D.; Zangoli, M.; Fabiano, E.; Manet, I.; Mazzaro, R.; Morandi, V.; Marinelli, M.; Gigli, G.; Parola, A. J.; Laia, C. A. T.; Barbarella, G., Processable Thiophene-Based Polymers with Tailored Electronic Properties and their Application in Solid-State Electrochromic Devices Using Nanoparticle Films, «ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS», 2021, 7, pp. 1 - 12 [Articolo in rivista]
Ridolfi, R., The magnetic spectrometer of the FOOT experiment, «IL NUOVO CIMENTO C», 2021, 44, pp. 1 - 4 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Melet A.; Buontempo C.; Mattiuzzi M.; Salamon P.; Bahurel P.; Breyiannis G.; Burgess S.; Crosnier L.; Le Traon P.-Y.; Mentaschi L.; Nicolas J.; Solari L.; Vamborg F.; Voukouvalas E., European Copernicus Services to Inform on Sea-Level Rise Adaptation: Current Status and Perspectives, «FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE», 2021, 8, pp. 1 - 26 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Tebaldi C.; Ranasinghe R.; Vousdoukas M.; Rasmussen D.J.; Vega-Westhoff B.; Kirezci E.; Kopp R.E.; Sriver R.; Mentaschi L., Extreme sea levels at different global warming levels, «NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE», 2021, 11, pp. 746 - 751 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Morim J.; Vitousek S.; Hemer M.; Reguero B.; Erikson L.; Casas-Prat M.; Wang X.L.; Semedo A.; Mori N.; Shimura T.; Mentaschi L.; Timmermans B., Global-scale changes to extreme ocean wave events due to anthropogenic warming, «ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS», 2021, 16, pp. 1 - 9 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Hinkel J.; Feyen L.; Hemer M.; Le Cozannet G.; Lincke D.; Marcos M.; Mentaschi L.; Merkens J.L.; de Moel H.; Muis S.; Nicholls R.J.; Vafeidis A.T.; van de Wal R.S.W.; Vousdoukas M.I.; Wahl T.; Ward P.J.; Wolff C., Uncertainty and Bias in Global to Regional Scale Assessments of Current and Future Coastal Flood Risk, «EARTH'S FUTURE», 2021, 9, pp. 1 - 10 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Naumann, G.; Cammalleri, C.; Mentaschi, L.; Feyen, L., Increased economic drought impacts in Europe with anthropogenic warming, «NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE», 2021, 11, pp. 485 - 491 [Articolo in rivista]
De Leo F.; Besio G.; Mentaschi L., Trends and variability of ocean waves under RCP8.5 emission scenario in the Mediterranean Sea, «OCEAN DYNAMICS», 2021, 71, pp. 97 - 117 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Whelan F.; Lafita A.; Gilburt J.; Degut C.; Griffiths S.C.; Jenkins H.T.; St John A.N.; Paci E.; Moir J.W.B.; Plevin M.J.; Baumann C.G.; Bateman A.; Potts J.R., Periscope Proteins are variable-length regulators of bacterial cell surface interactions, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA», 2021, 118, pp. 1 - 2 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Paci E.; Ross J.F., Computational methods to predict the mutational landscape of the spike protein, «BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2021, 120, pp. 2763 - 2765 [Articolo in rivista]
Possega, Marco; Aragao Leonardo; Ruggieri, Paolo; Santo, Marco Antonio; Di Sabatino, Silvana, Observational evidence of urban heat island intensification during heatwaves in European cities, in: EGU General Assembly 2021, 2021, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna, 19/04/2021 - 30/04/2021) [Riassunto (Abstract)]