Pubblicazioni scientifiche
Apruzzi, Fabio; Lawrie, Craig; Lin, Ling; Schäfer-Nameki, Sakura; Wang, Yi-Nan, Fibers add Flavor, Part I: Classification of 5d SCFTs, Flavor Symmetries and BPS States, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2019, 11, pp. 1 - 105 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Enrico Baglione, Stefano Tinti, Alberto Armigliato, Optimization of earthquake source description for tsunami early warning purposes, in: E. Baglione, S. TInti, A. Armigliato, 2019, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, 7-12 Aprile 2019) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
Alberto Armigliato, Gianluca Pagnoni, Stefano Tinti, Filippo Zaniboni, Glauco Gallotti, Enrico Baglione, Risk Assessment Methodology for Cascading Earthquake and Tsunami Impact Applied to the Town of Augusta (Eastern Sicily, Italy), in: Alberto Armigliato, Gianluca Pagnoni, Stefano Tinti, Filippo Zaniboni, Glauco Gallotti, Enrico Baglione, 2019, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, 9-13 Dicembre) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
Zenonos A.; De Siena L.; Widiyantoro S.; Rawlinson N., P and S wave travel time tomography of the SE Asia-Australia collision zone, «PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS», 2019, 293, pp. 106267 - 106280 [Articolo in rivista]
Akande W.G.; De Siena L.; Gan Q., Three-dimensional kernel-based coda attenuation imaging of caldera structures controlling the 1982-84 Campi Flegrei unrest, «JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH», 2019, 381, pp. 273 - 283 [Articolo in rivista]
Pepe S.; De Siena L.; Barone A.; Castaldo R.; D'Auria L.; Manzo M.; Casu F.; Fedi M.; Lanari R.; Bianco F.; Tizzani P., Volcanic structures investigation through SAR and seismic interferometric methods: The 2011–2013 Campi Flegrei unrest episode, «REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT», 2019, 234, pp. 111440 - 111450 [Articolo in rivista]
Galametz, M; Maury, AJ; Valdivia, V; Testi, L; Belloche, A; Andre, P, Low dust emissivities and radial variations in the envelopes of Class 0 protostars: possible signature of early grain growth, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2019, 632, pp. 5 - 21 [Articolo in rivista]
C. F. Manara; C. Mordasini; L. Testi; J. P. Williams; A. Miotello; G. Lodato; A. Emsenhuber, Constraining disk evolution prescriptions of planet population synthesis models with observed disk masses and accretion rates, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2019, 631, pp. 2 - 9 [Articolo in rivista]
A. Miotello; S. Facchini; E. F. van Dishoeck; P. Cazzoletti; L. Testi; J. P. Williams; M. Ansdell; S. van Terwisga; N. van der Marel, Bright C 2 H emission in protoplanetary discs in Lupus: high volatile C/O > 1 ratios, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2019, 631, pp. 69 - 78 [Articolo in rivista]
Carlos Carrasco-González; Anibal Sierra; Mario Flock; Zhaohuan Zhu; Thomas Henning; Claire Chandler; Roberto Galván-Madrid; Enrique Macías; Guillem Anglada; Hendrik Linz; Mayra Osorio; Luis F. Rodríguez; Leonardo Testi; José M. Torrelles; Laura Pérez; Yao Liu, The Radial Distribution of Dust Particles in the HL Tau Disk from ALMA and VLA Observations, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2019, 883, pp. 1 - 21 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
A F McLeod; J E Dale; C J Evans; A Ginsburg; J M D Kruijssen; E W Pellegrini; S K Ramsay; L Testi, Feedback from massive stars at low metallicities: MUSE observations of N44 and N180 in the Large Magellanic Cloud, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2019, 486, pp. 5263 - 5288 [Articolo in rivista]
Giovanni P Rosotti; Marco Tazzari; Richard A Booth; Leonardo Testi; Giuseppe Lodato; Cathie Clarke, The time evolution of dusty protoplanetary disc radii: observed and physical radii differ, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2019, 486, pp. 4829 - 4844 [Articolo in rivista]
D. Turrini; F. Marzari; D. Polychroni; L. Testi, Dust-to-gas Ratio Resurgence in Circumstellar Disks Due to the Formation of Giant Planets: The Case of HD 163296, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2019, 877, pp. 50 - 63 [Articolo in rivista]
W. H. T. Vlemmings; B. Lankhaar; P. Cazzoletti; C. Ceccobello; D. Dall’Olio; E. F. van Dishoeck; S. Facchini; E. M. L. Humphreys; M. V. Persson; L. Testi; J. P. Williams, Stringent limits on the magnetic field strength in the disc of TW Hya, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2019, 624, pp. 7 - 16 [Articolo in rivista]
S. E. van Terwisga; E. F. van Dishoeck; P. Cazzoletti; S. Facchini; L. Trapman; J. P. Williams; C. F. Manara; A. Miotello; N. van der Marel; M. Ansdell; M. R. Hogerheijde; M. Tazzari; L. Testi, The ALMA Lupus protoplanetary disk survey: evidence for compact gas disks and molecular rings from CN, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2019, 623, pp. 150 - 168 [Articolo in rivista]
Agurto-Gangas, C; Pineda, JE; Szucs, L; Testi, L; Tazzari, M; Miotello, A; Caselli, P; Dunham, M; Stephens, IW; Bourke, TL, Revealing the dust grain size in the inner envelope of the Class I protostar Per-emb-50, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2019, 623, pp. 147 - 163 [Articolo in rivista]
Hauyu Baobab Liu; Huei-Ru Vivien Chen; Carlos G. Román-Zúñiga; Roberto Galván-Madrid; Adam Ginsburg; Paul T. P. Ho; Young Chol Minh; Izaskun Jiménez-Serra; Leonardo Testi; Qizhou Zhang, Investigating Fragmentation of Gas Structures in OB Cluster-forming Molecular Clump G33.92+0.11 with 1000 au Resolution Observations of ALMA, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2019, 871, pp. 185 - 197 [Articolo in rivista]
Jaime E. Pineda; Judit Szulágyi; Sascha P. Quanz; Ewine F. van Dishoeck; Antonio Garufi; Farzana Meru; Gijs D. Mulders; Leonardo Testi; Michael R. Meyer; Maddalena Reggiani, High-resolution ALMA Observations of HD 100546: Asymmetric Circumstellar Ring and Circumplanetary Disk Upper Limits, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2019, 871, pp. 48 - 57 [Articolo in rivista]
Popesso P.; Concas A.; Morselli L.; Schreiber C.; Rodighiero G.; Cresci G.; Belli S.; Erfanianfar G.; Mancini C.; Inami H.; Dickinson M.; Ilbert O.; Pannella M.; Elbaz D., The main sequence of star-forming galaxies-I. the local relation and its bending, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2019, 483, pp. 3213 - 3226 [Articolo in rivista]
Herrera-Camus R.; Tacconi L.; Genzel R.; Forster Schreiber N.; Lutz D.; Bolatto A.; Wuyts S.; Renzini A.; Lilly S.; Belli S.; Ubler H.; Shimizu T.; Davies R.; Sturm E.; Combes F.; Freundlich J.; Garcia-Burillo S.; Cox P.; Burkert A.; Naab T.; Colina L.; Saintonge A.; Cooper M.; Feruglio C.; Weiss A., Molecular and Ionized Gas Phases of an AGN-driven Outflow in a Typical Massive Galaxy at z ≈ 2, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2019, 871, pp. 1 - 18 [Articolo in rivista]