Pubblicazioni scientifiche
Francesco Ravanini, Introduction to quantum integrability, factorized S-matrix theory and TBA, in: Lectures on Quantum Integrability and Applications to Gauge and String theory, Seoul, KIAS, 2018, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: Lectures on Quantum Integrability and Applications to Gauge and String theory, KIAS (Korea Institute for Advanced Studies), 19-21 Nov 2018) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Nakajima K.; Schaerer D.; Le Fevre O.; Amorin R.; Talia M.; Lemaux B.C.; Tasca L.A.M.; Vanzella E.; Zamorani G.; Bardelli S.; Grazian A.; Guaita L.; Hathi N.P.; Pentericci L.; Zucca E., The VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey: Nature, ISM properties, and ionizing spectra of C III] λ 1909 emitters at z = 2-4, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2018, 612, pp. 1 - 27 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Bonafede A.; Stuardi C.; Savini F.; Vazza F.; Bruggen M., Constraining magnetic fields in galaxy clusters, in: Astronomy in Focus XXX, presented at IAU XXX General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. Proceedings of the IAU, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION», 2018, 14, pp. 299 - 302 (atti di: IAU XXX General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. Proceedings of the IAU, Austria, August 2018) [Contributo in Atti di convegno] Open Access
Wolloch, M.; Levita, G.; Restuccia, P.; Righi, M. C., Interfacial Charge Density and Its Connection to Adhesion and Frictional Forces, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 2018, 121, pp. N/A - N/A [Articolo in rivista]
Fatti, G.; Restuccia, P.; Calandra, C.; Righi, M. C., Phosphorus Adsorption on Fe(110): An ab Initio Comparative Study of Iron Passivation by Different Adsorbates, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. C», 2018, 122, pp. 28105 - 28112 [Articolo in rivista]
Restuccia, Paolo; Levita, Giacomo; Wolloch, Michael; Losi, Gabriele; Fatti, Giulio; Ferrario, Mauro; Righi, M. C., Ideal adhesive and shear strengths of solid interfaces: A high throughput ab initio approach, «COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE», 2018, 154, pp. 517 - 529 [Articolo in rivista]
S. Loehle; M. C. Righi, Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Tribochemical Reactions Involving Phosphorus Additives at Sliding Iron Interfaces, «LUBRICANTS», 2018, 6, pp. 31 - 39 [Articolo in rivista]
Levita, Giacomo; Kajita, Seiji; Righi, M. C., Water adsorption on diamond (111) surfaces: an ab initio study, «CARBON», 2018, 127, pp. 533 - 540 [Articolo in rivista]
Pieri Pierbiagio; Strinati Calvanese Giancarlo; Perali Andrea; Pisani Leonardo, Effects of the GMB correction on the critical temperature and gap parameter throughout the BCS-BEC crossover, in: 104 Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Fisica, ITA, Società Italiana di Fisica, 2018, pp. 110 - 110 (atti di: 104 Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Fisica, Arcavacata di Rende, 17-21 settembre 2018) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
Michele Pini; Pierbiagio Pieri; Giancarlo Strinati Calvanese, Comparative study of many-body t-matrix theories for a Fermi gas through the BCS-BEC crossover, in: International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2018, JPN, Ito International Research Center - Tokyo University, 2018, pp. 119 - 119 (atti di: International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2018, Tokyo, 25-31 Luglio 2018) [Poster]
Strinati Calvanese G.; Pieri P.; Röpke G.; Schuck P.; Urban M., The BCS–BEC crossover: From ultra-cold Fermi gases to nuclear systems, «PHYSICS REPORTS», 2018, 738, pp. 1 - 76 [Articolo in rivista]
Pisani L.; Perali A.; Pieri P.; Strinati Calvanese G., Entanglement between pairing and screening in the Gorkov-Melik-Barkhudarov correction to the critical temperature throughout the BCS-BEC crossover, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B», 2018, 97, pp. 1 - 19 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
L. Pisani; P. Pieri; G. Strinati Calvanese, Gap equation with pairing correlations beyond mean field and its equivalence to a Hugenholtz-Pines condition for fermion pairs, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B», 2018, 98, pp. 1 - 23 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Delle Rose M.; Orefici G.; Capuano N.; Galassi G.; Mattioli M.; Santini S.; Spada G.; Renzulli A., The decline of the Nasca culture (Peru) as the result of an increasing environmental stress: overcoming the paradigm formulated at Cahuachi of catastrophic mega-floods due to El Niño-Southern Oscillation, in: SGI-SIMP 2018 ABSTRACT BOOK, ITA, Società Geologica Italiana, 2018, 1, pp. 610 - 610 (atti di: Congresso congiunto SGI-SIMP 2018, Catania, 12-14 Settembre 2018) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Benoit Meyssignac; Aimée Slangen; Angélique Melet; John A. Church; Xavier Fettweis; Ben Marzeion; Cécile Agosta; Stefan R. M. Ligtenberg; Giorgio Spada; Kristin Richter; Matt D. Palmer; Chris D. Roberts; Nicolas Champollion, Evaluating climate model simulations of 20th century sea level rise, «EXCHANGES», 2018, 74, pp. 13 - 19 [Abstract in rivista]
Mauz, Barbara; Shen, Zhixiong; Elmejdoub, Noureddine; Spada, Giorgio, No evidence from the eastern Mediterranean for a MIS 5e double peak sea-level highstand, «QUATERNARY RESEARCH», 2018, 89, pp. 1 - 6 [Articolo in rivista]
Karpytchev, M.; Ballu, V.; Krien, Y.; Becker, M.; Goodbred, S.; Spada, G.; Calmant, S.; Shum, C. K.; Khan, Z., Contributions of a strengthened early Holocene monsoon and sediment loading to present-day subsidence of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, «GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS», 2018, 45, pp. 1433 - 1442 [Articolo in rivista]
Martinec, Z; Klemann, V; van der Wal, W; Riva, R E M; Spada, G; Sun, Y; Melini, D; Kachuck, S B; Barletta, V; Simon, K; A, G; James, T S, A benchmark study of numerical implementations of the sea level equation in GIA modelling, «GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL», 2018, 215, pp. 389 - 414 [Articolo in rivista]
Andrew Shepherd; Erik Ivins; Eric Rignot; Ben Smith; Michiel VDBroeke; Isabella Velicogna; Pippa Whitehouse; Kate Briggs; Ian Joughin; Gerhard Krinner; Sophie Nowicki; Tony Payne; Ted Scambos; Nicole Schlegel; Geruo A; Cécile Agosta; Andreas Ahlstrøm; Greg Babonis; Valentina Barletta; Alejandro Blazquez; Jennifer Bonin; Beata Csatho; Richard Cullather; Denis Felikson; Xavier Fettweis; Rene Forsberg; Hubert Gallee; Alex Gardner; Lin Gilbert; Andreas Groh; Brian Gunter; Edward Hanna; Christopher Harig; Veit Helm; Alexander Horvath; Martin Horwath; Shfaqat Khan; Kristian Kjeldsen; Hannes Konrad; Peter Langen; Benoit Lecavalier; Bryant Loomis; Scott Luthcke; Malcolm McMillan; Daniele Melini; Sebastian Mernild; Yara Mohajerani; Philip Moore; Jeremie Mouginot; Gorka Moyano; Alan Muir; Thomas Nagler; Grace Nield; Johan Nilsson; Brice Noel; Ines Otosaka; Mark Pattle; William Peltier; Nadege Pie; Roelof Rietbroek; Helmut Rott; LouiseSandberg Sørensen; Ingo Sasgen; Himanshu Save; Bernd Sche, Mass balance of the Antarctic Ice Sheet from 1992 to 2017, «NATURE», 2018, 558, pp. 219 - 222 [Articolo in rivista]
Husson, Laurent; Bodin, Thomas; Spada, Giorgio; Choblet, Gaël; Kreemer, Corné, Bayesian surface reconstruction of geodetic uplift rates: mapping the global fingerprint of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment, «JOURNAL OF GEODYNAMICS», 2018, 122, pp. 25 - 40 [Articolo in rivista]