X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure on Dopants

Caffè Scientifico di Fisica della Materia

  • Data: 11 marzo 2016 dalle 16:00 alle 17:00

  • Luogo: Aula riunioni 1° piano, DIFA, viale Berti Pichat 6/2

Contatto di riferimento:

Partecipanti: dott. Giacomo Rossi


X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) is a powerful tool to investigate the local structure around an absorber atom. The chemical selectivity of this technique is very useful to study the local environment of dopants in an host matrix.

We applied this technique on Vanadium doped TiO2 samples demonstrating that Vanadium is substitutional in all TiO2 structures.

Ab-initio calculation of the crystal structure confirms that Vanadium does not modify dramatically the host material unit cell, while the simulated X Ray Near Edge Structure spectrum is comparable with experimental data confirming the guessed substitutional structure.