Contatto di riferimento: Barbara Simoni
Partecipanti: Francesco Spano' (Royal Holloway University of London)
Il Dr. Francesco Spanò della Royal Holloway University of London, presenterà una panoramicasulla fisica del quark top ad LHC divisa in due parti:
- Mercoledì 16 marzo ore 14-16 Sala Riunioni di Via Irnerio
- Giovedì 17 marzo ore 10-12 aula B di Via Irnerio
I seminari sono rivolti in particolare agli studenti del corso di dottorato ma sono apertia tutti gli interessati.
The top quark is the most massive known fundamental constituent of matter. Its unexplained largemass suggests an important connection to the still mysterious electroweak symmetry breaking top quarks.Unprecedentedly abundant top quark production in proton-proton (pp) collisions at the LHC is allowingunprecedentedly precise measurements of top quark properties, the exploration of its connection to theHiggs boson and frontier studies on top quark-related physics beyond the standard model at new scalesof energy and distance.A pedagogical review of the most recent and significant results in top physics will be given using datacollected in LHC pp collisions at center-of-mass energies ranging from 7, 8 TeV (Run1) to the highestrecently achieved 13 TeV (Run2).Available performance and prospects studies will also be included to discuss expectations and areasof improvements for the mentioned topics in the analysis of the forthcoming data to be collectedin 13 TeV LHC pp collisions expected to resume in May 2016.