Contatto di riferimento: Cristian Vignali
Partecipanti: Monica Tosi (INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna)
JWST is to be launched in October 2018. It is then time to start getting familiar with its main features and to plan its exploitation ahead of time. This talk is intended to provide information on the main characteristics of the telescope and its instrumentation, and on its main science topics. I will briefly summarise the scientific projects that the international community is likely to propose, and the timescales for the applications at the various Observing Cycles.
See you on Thursday in sala seminari, Via Ranzani 1, floor -1, on time at 14:00.
Next seminars:
* Tuesday July 26th, at 14:00 Fabio Vito (Penn State Univ., US)
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