Contatto di riferimento: Donatella Romano
Partecipanti: Alberto Sesana (Univ. di Birmingham, UK)
The detection of GW150914 is a landmark in the history of astronomy, not only because it is the first gravitational wave (GW) detection, but also because it reveals a very active universe possibly rich of black hole binaries (BHBs) beyond expectations. I will talk shortly about the detection and properties of GW150914 and then highlight implications of this event for future multi-band GW astronomy.
One of the most exciting prospects is the prior localization of BHB mergers: a space-based detector like eLISA will tell aLIGO and all electromagnetic instruments when and where a BHB coalescence will occur with several week notice. This will make coincident multimessenger observation of BHBs a reality.
See you on thursday in Aula della Specola, Via Zamboni 33, on time at 14:00.
Wine & cheese will follow.
Next seminars:
* Thursday April 28th, at 14:00
Andrea Kunder (AIP, Potsdam, DE)
* Thursday May 5th, at 14:00
Ivan Cabrera-Ziri (Liverpool John Moore Univ., UK and ESO, DE)
* Thursday May 12th, at 14:00
Sirio Belli (MPE, Garching, DE)
* Tuesday May 17th, at 14:00, AULA DELLA SPECOLA
Daniela Calzetti (Dept. of Astronomy, Univ. of Massachusetts, US)
* Thursday May 26th, at 14:00
Valentina D'Orazi (INAF, Oss. Astron. di Padova)
The complete list of seminars is available at:
The organizers of seminars:
Cristian Vignali
Donatella Romano