The Dark and Light Side of Galaxy Formation

  • Data: 22 ottobre 2015 dalle 15:00 alle 16:00

Contatto di riferimento:

Partecipanti: Piero Madau (University of Zurich, CH & University of California, Santa Cruz, US)


In recent years, precision measurements across cosmic time have led to a widely accepted cosmological paradigm for galaxy assembly and evolution, the cold dark matter (LCDM) model. Within this theory, galaxies form "bottom-up," with low-mass objects ("halos") collapsing earlier and merging to form larger and larger systems over time.

Ordinary matter follows the dynamics dictated by the dominant dark matter until radiative, hydrodynamic, and star-formation processes take over. Although LCDM has had great success in explaining the observed large-scale distribution of mass in the universe, the nature of the dark matter particle is best tested on small scales, where its physical characteristics manifest themselves by modifying the structure of galaxy halos and their lumpiness.

It is on these scale that detailed comparisons between observations and theory have revealed several discrepancies and challenged our understanding of the mapping between dark matter halos and their baryonic components. In this talk I will review the triumphs and tribulations of the theory. While the latter may indicate the need for more complex physics in the dark sector itself, emerging evidence suggests that a poor understanding of the baryonic processes involved in galaxy formation may be at the origin of these controversies.

!!! IMPORTANT: please notice the unusual time (h15:00) and location (Aula della Specola) of our seminar this week !!!

See you on thursday in Aula della Specola, via Zamboni 33, on time at 15h.

Next seminars:

  • Thursday October 29th, at 14:00, Aula della Specola (Via Zamboni 33) Marta Volonteri (IAP, Paris, FR)
  • Thursday November 5th, at 14:00 TBD
  • Thursday November 12th, at 14:00 Sebastian Kamann (Institut fuer Astrophysik, Universitaet Goettingen, DE)
  • Tuesday November 17th, at 14:00 Young-Wook Lee (Center for Galaxy Evolution Research & Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea)
  • Thursday November 19th, at 14:00 Matteo Guainazzi (Astro-H ESA Science Operation Center & Astro-H JAXA Operation Office)
  • Thursday November 26th, at 14:00 TBD

The complete list of seminars is available at:

The organizers of seminars: