Supersymmetric Yangian, DIM algebra, and AGT relation

  • Data: 18 aprile 2018 dalle 14:00 alle 15:00

Contatto di riferimento:

Partecipanti: Dr. Kilar Zhang: Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Abstract: The affine Yangian of {gl}_1 is known to be isomorphic to W_{1+\infty}, the W-algebra that characterizes the bosonic higher spin -- CFT duality.We propose defining relations of the Yangian that is relevant for the N=2 superconformal version of W_{1+\infty}. Our construction is based on the observation that the N=2 superconformal W_{1+\infty} algebra contains two commuting bosonic W_{1+\infty} algebras, and that the additional generators transform in bi-minimal representations with respect to these two algebras. The corresponding affine Yangian can therefore be built up from two affine Yangians of {gl}_1 by adding in generators that transform appropriately.
Besides, I will discuss other quantum algebras intertwined in AGT relation.