Contatto di riferimento: Barbara Simoni
Partecipanti: Prof. Sergey Vernov (Moscow State University)
Abstract: The possibility to construct inflationary models with non-minimally coupled scalar fields and the renormalization-group improved potentials corresponding to SU(2) and SU(5) models is investigated.
In both cases, the tree-level potential, which corresponds to the cosmological constant in the Einstein frame, is seen to be non-suitable for inflation. Rather than adding the Hilbert-Einstein term to the action, quantum corrections to the potential, coming from to the RG-equation, are included.
The inflationary scenario is analyzed with unstable de Sitter solutions which correspond to positive values of the coupling function, only. Inflation is realized for SU(5) RG-improved potentials with quite reasonable values of the parameters.
The inflationary models obtained are in good agreement with the most recent observational data. The talk is based on the paper E. Elizalde, S.D. Odintsov, E.O. Pozdeeva, and S.Yu. Vernov, Phys. Rev. D 90 (2014) 084001 [arXiv:1408.1285] and recent researches.