Quantum entanglement: from conclusive tests of Bell inequalities to quantum tech

  • Data: 11 novembre 2016 dalle 11:30 alle 12:30

  • Luogo: Aula 1, viale Berti Pichat 6/2

Contatto di riferimento:

Partecipanti: Dr. Marco Genovese (INRIM, responsible of "Quantum Optics Research Program")


Entanglement represents, according to Schrödinger, the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics.

For several years these quantum correlations were at the basis of the debate about the foundations of quantum mechanics, a research that culminated in conclusive tests of Bell inequalities last year.

Nevertheless, these peculiar properties of quantum mechanics also became a fundamental resource for the development of quantum technologies (as quantum communication, computation and imaging).

In this talk I will narrate this fascinating history, presenting the most recent results in these fields.

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(70 posti, avevamo prenotato aula A ma ci è stata tolta per necessità didattiche, quindi chi ci tiene a sedersi non tardi, sia lo speaker che l'argomento sono di rilievo)

Dr. Marco Genovese (INRIM, responsible of "Quantum Optics Research Program", personal webpage: )