Contatto di riferimento: Donatella Romano
Partecipanti: Matteo Guainazzi (Astro-H ESA Science Operation Center & Astro-H JAXA Operation Office)
AbstractThe environment surrounding accreting super-massive black holes is rich in gas and dust. Their structure is then a key ingredient in our understanding of nuclear activity, and holds clues to a number of astrophysical problems such as the AGN feeding from/feed-back onto the host galaxy, and the synthesis model of the Cosmic X-ray Background.In this talk I will review recent results obtained with the hard X-ray (3-79 keV) focusing telescope NuSTAR in this field. These results allow us to probe the 3-D geometrical structure of the gas (covering and volume filling factors) through X-ray spectroscopy of heavily obscured AGN, as well its spatial scale through the structural changes (column density, ionisation) undergone by hot gas along the line-of-sight on time-scales as short as a few days. While the exact gas radial profile is still uncertain, a direct probe will be possible through high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy with ASTRO-H, the next high-energy mission of the Japanese Space Agency, scheduled to be launched by the end of this Japanese fiscal year. See you on Tuesday, and on Thursday, in the seminars’ room, floor -1, via Ranzani 1, on time at 14h.
Next seminars:
* November 24th, November 26th, December 1st and December 9th, h14:00-16:00
Seminari finali dottorandi cicli XXVII-XXVIII
* Thursday December 1st, at 14:00
Chiaki Kobayashi (Centre for Astrophysics Research, Univ. of Hertfordshire, UK)
* Thursday December 10th, at 14:00
* Wednesday December 16th, at 14:00
Rodrigo Ibata (Observatoire de Strasbourg, FR)
* Thursday December 17th, at 14:00
Elena M. Rossi (Leiden Univ., NL)
The complete list of seminars is available at:
The organizers of seminars: