Contatto di riferimento: Donatella Romano
Partecipanti: Luca Izzo (Univ. La Sapienza, Roma & ICRANET, Pescara)
The abundance of Lithium observed in very young stellar populations is ~ 4 times larger than the primordial one estimated by recent Planck measurements. Since Lithium is easily destroyed in stellar interiors, the search for astrophysical sources responsible for the observed Lithium over-abundance was a mystery for decades. In this seminar I'll discuss the detection of Lithium in the early spectra of the slow nova V1369 Cen, which can solve this problem, and then I'll discuss the consequences for the chemical evolution in the Galaxy.
See you on Tuesday and Thursday, in sala seminari, Via Ranzani 1, floor -1, on time at 14:00.
Next seminars:
* Thursday March 17th, at 14:00 Benedetta Ciardi (MPA, Garching, DE)
* Thursday March 24th, at 14:00 Ivan Minchev (AIP, Potsdam, DE)
* Thursday March 31st, at 14:00 Valentina D'Orazi (INAF, Oss. Astron. Padova)
The complete list of seminars is available at:
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