New Insights on the Origin of Cosmic Rays

  • Data: 09 giugno 2015 dalle 14:00 alle 14:40

  • Luogo: seminars' room, floor -1, via Ranzani 1, BO

Contatto di riferimento:

Partecipanti: Damiano Caprioli (Princeton University)


I present the results of large kinetic simulations of particle acceleration at non-relativistic collisionless shocks, which allow a first-principles investigation of cosmic ray (CR) acceleration at supernova remnants' shocks.

Ion and electron acceleration efficiency and magnetic field amplification are investigated in detail as a function of shock inclination and strength, and compared with predictions of diffusive shock acceleration theory.

Moreover, I outline an original mechanism (the "espresso mechanism") for the acceleration of nuclei up to 10^20eV in the relativistic jets of powerful active galactic nuclei. The combination of the supernova paradigm for the origin of Galactic CRs and the espresso mechanism provides a unified description of the global CR spectrum and chemical composition over more than 11 orders of magnitude in energy.

Please note that it will be a ~40 minutes talk.

The seminar will start at 14:00 in the seminar room (-1)