Contatto di riferimento: Donatella Romano
Partecipanti: Adam Hawken (INAF, Oss. Astron. Brera/Merate)
Voids are the largest component by volume of the cosmic web. As largeunderdense regions they serve as excellent laboratories for testinggeneral relativity. In this seminar I shall give an overview of the searchfor and classification of voids in spectroscopic redshift surveys, inparticular VIPERS. I shall then demonstrate how studies of the crosscorrelation between galaxies and voids can be used to measure the growthrate of structure in simulations, and cover recent attempts to apply thesetechniques to data.
Next seminars:
- Thursday March 3rd, at 14:00 Evanthia Hatziminaoglou (ESO, Garching, DE)
- Thursday March 10th, at 14:00 Luca Izzo (Univ. La Sapienza, Roma & ICRANET, Pescara)
- Thursday March 17th, at 14:00 Benedetta Ciardi (MPA, Garching, DE)
- Thursday March 24th, at 14:00 Ivan Minchev (AIP, Potsdam, DE)
- Thursday March 31st, at 14:00 Valentina D'Orazi (INAF, Oss. Astron. Padova)
The complete list of seminars is available at:
The organizers of seminars: