Contatto di riferimento: Francesco Giacomini
Partecipanti: Matteo Favaro
Nowadays the web is a base platform for many applications. With the advancement of web 2.0 technologies (HTML5, JavaScript, CSS 3) it was clear that the web platform had the necessity of a two-way communication system between the browser and the server. The solution is a new protocol, called WebSocket, implemented by all modern browsers.
In order to provide this new way of communication it was necessary to have a sinergy between Javascript and the browser capability to handle multiple connections. The WebSocket protocol provides exactly this: a mechanism to perform a two-way communication between an HTTP server, supporting multiple languages (e.g. PHP, Java, PERL, .NET), and a client, typically running some JavaScript.
In this seminar we will introduce the WebSocket protocol, how it works on the server and on the client sides and how it can be used.
Il seminario avra' luogo in sala Asinelli, presso la sede del CNAF in via Ranzani, 13/2.