Contatto di riferimento: Carla Sbarra
Partecipanti: Robert Victor Kowalewsky (University of Victoria, Canada)
Building on the success of the BaBar and Belle experiments, Belle II is preparing to probe physics beyond the standard model via rare decays and precision measurements. Belle II will probe fundamental questions posed by existence of multiple generations of particles, including several existing anomalies in the flavour sector, and will have significantly enhanced sensitivity to “dark forces". The physics program of Belle II is in competition with the highly successful LHCb experiment for certain measurements, but is sensitive to many channels that are inaccessible at a hadron collider.
SuperKEKB is designed to be the highest luminosity collider ever built and will provide 50 times the integrated data set of Belle plus BaBar.
Beams have begun to circulate (but not collide) in SuperKEKB and background conditions are being measured with a dedicated set of commissioning detectors. Belle II construction is proceeding on schedule, and first physics is expected in 2019.
The talk will review the impact of the B factories, survey the Belle II physics goals via selected examples, and give the current status of the accelerator commissioning and detector construction.
Il Prof. Kowalewsky ha grande esperienza nella fisica degli Heavy
Flavour: dagli esperimenti alla Upsilon(4S), è stato membro delle collaborazioni OPAL, BaBar, ATLAS e, ultimamente, anche BELLE II
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